Sunday, 19 May 2024
CWE to sell 200 outlets

CWE to sell 200 outlets Featured

The cash-strapped Lanka Sathosa (Retail arm of CWE) is going to sell 200 of its outlets to the owner of a leading supermarket chain, according to reports.

It was a former directress of the institution, who is presently a secretary at the industries and commerce ministry, who has brokered the deal.

She and the supermarket owner were classmates at school.

Meanwhile, CWE employees are wondering as to whether their chairman Kiran Atapattu has taken certain decisions with the intention of ruining the institution.

They told 'Sri Lanka Mirror' that one such decision was to allow the outlets to do the purchasing and making payments for the same.

Also, the new chairman has requested a 90 day period for the payment for suppliers, which is an increase from the previous 14 days to 30 days deadline.

Last modified on Friday, 29 May 2015 14:24