Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Contact Us


The Think Tank (Pvt) Limited
No. 30,
Second Floor,
Battaramulla Road,
Sri Lanka

+94 112 040 319

Chief Editor - Kelum Shivantha
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Sports Editor - Tharindu Rajapaksha
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Advertising : Marketing manager - Jude Fernando

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Why advertise online?

  • Online media is a powerful source in any society because it provides latest news on various issues as one package.
  • In today’s fast life, the online news website is the main news source, since no one has the time to sit in front of TV, or read newspapers to know what’s going around the country and world.
  • Internet has overtaken the print media as an important news source both in Sri Lanka and worldwide.
  • Even newspapers are focusing on their online editions.
  • Wide array of information on several fields – political, social, sports, arts, as per interest.
  • Round the clock news updates – unlike newspapers.
  • Accessibility any place, any time - computer, mobiles, ipad etc
  • Cheaper than TV, radio advertising
  • Less chance of target audience missing the online advertisement while viewers tend to skip the classified sections or switch channels during commercials.
  • Possibility of a wider audience reach with worldwide readership.

Why advertise with us?

  • Fast growing website
  • Recognised news website
  • around the clock news updates
  • Unbiased reporting in three languages
  • News on several categories – news, sports, business, arts, world, features, glamour and events
  • Leading news website in Sri Lanka, according to Alexa rankings.
  • Over 10,000 visits per day, according to Google Analytics.
  • Readership spanning from over 100 countries worldwide, according to Google Analytics
  • Many other websites pick up our news - e,g : Infolanka
  • Widely read by embassies , UN agencies, NGO’s
  • Comparatively low advertising rates
  • Publicity for client and events of company (articles, picture events, interviews)