Friday, 19 April 2024
Mirror marble cakes by Olga

Mirror marble cakes by Olga Featured

Russian confectioner Olga makes sweets that look like marbled mirrors. Although little is known about her, Olga’s Instagram is a source of envy for many.

Luckily, Reddit user SuperDrew124 shared the secret behind this mirror-like glaze:

Ingredients: 20 g Gelatin Powder, 120 g Water, 300 g Glucose, 300 g Sugar, 150 g Water, 200 g Sweetened Cond Milk, 300 g Chocolate (White, Milk, Dark or a combination), Food Coloring

1) Bloom the gelatin in the water;
2) Boil the glucose, sugar & water;
3) Remove from heat and add the gelatin;
4) Add the cond milk;
5) Pour over chocolate and beurre mix to remove air bubbles;
Use at 35C/95F.

The marbling effect is achieved by pouring different color glazes together over the cake.

-Bored Panda

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Last modified on Thursday, 12 May 2016 10:16