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Is Rajapaksa facing defeat in Sri Lanka elections?
Sunday, 04 January 2015 13:45President Mahinda Rajapaksa hopes to be re-elected to a third term in Sri Lanka's election on Thursday. But what sort of a country has Sri Lanka become under Mr Rajapaksa and his brothers?
Sri Lanka's Rajapaksa regime losing its grip
Friday, 02 January 2015 13:30Casino mogul James Packer must wish he could vote in Sri Lanka's presidential elections next Thursday.
Sri Lanka: Survey on voting patterns – Presidential Election 2015
Friday, 02 January 2015 12:52We, the undersigned, wish to put the record straight regarding a research we two jointly have undertaken to develop an empirical model to analyse the Sri Lankan voter behavior at Presidential elections over the past 10 years with the objective of contributing to the body of social research.
Open letter to Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez
Thursday, 01 January 2015 10:58Dear Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez,
Last days of the Raj?
Wednesday, 31 December 2014 09:01Encouragingly, Mahinda Rajapaksa faces a real battle to win re-election as president; better still if he loses it.
WHEN he called a presidential election for January 8th, two years before he had to, Percy Mahinda Rajapaksa must have been confident of victory. Provincial elections had shown that his once unassailable popularity was waning. But the opposition was fractured, the economy was doing well and incumbency bestows benefits, both legitimate and nefarious. Mr Rajapaksa, who fosters myths that portray him as the reincarnation of a great king from Sri Lanka’s south, seems to have expected re-anointing. Something close to the 57% vote share which saw him re-elected to a second term in 2010 seemed achievable. Now, barring outlandish rigging, it would be a surprise. Mr Rajapaksa may still, just, be the favourite (see article). But the contest will be very close-fought.
Why is Bollywood film PK controversial?
Monday, 29 December 2014 10:43Bollywood is famous for its dance routines, dramatic visuals and songs across the world.
Remembering the Tsunami disaster, 10 years later
Friday, 26 December 2014 10:23The massive earthquake off the west coast of Indonesia on December 26, 2004, registered a magnitude of nine on the Richter scale. The effect of this earthquake made massive tidal waves that destroyed the costal belt of the northern and southern Sri Lanka. Perhaps this must have been the most catastrophic natural disaster ever experienced by Sri Lankans in their recent history. The damage was colossal. Tsunami had killed over 50,000 people in Sri Lanka. A number of villages have been wiped off and more than 100,000 houses were destroyed.
Boxing Day tsunami, 10 years on: how cricket helped save Sri Lanka
Wednesday, 24 December 2014 17:08A decade on from the Boxing Day tsunami, Simon Hughes warms to an Indian Ocean island restored in part by the healing power of cricket